Thursday, December 27, 2007

Why I support Fred Thompson

As you have noticed, I support Fred Thompson for President. Why? It is that he is the best and only conservative in the GOP field.

We need a conservative leader who will win the war against the Islamofascists on all fronts, defend the moral values Americans hold dear such as marriage, encourage small government, enforce the border with dignity and encourage free markets in the economy.

Fred Thompson is the determined leader who can do all of these things without hesitation. He is a candidate that I'm deeply proud to support.

Why don't I support the rest of the GOP top tier?

Rudy Giuilani- Giuilani may look conservative and be tough on foreign affairs but he is very liberal socially. His record is pro-choice on abortion, pro-gay on the gay movement, and pro-gun control on the issue of gun ownership. 2008 is not the time for Republicans to abandon their principles and values just to take away votes away from the Democrats.

Mike Huckabee- Huckabee is conservative on social issues such as abortion and marriage but he seems to be liberal on economic and fiscal issues. This is not enough for me. Huckabee as Governor was known to be a tax and spend governor and soft on the illegal immigration issue. His record on foreign policy is almost empty and shows inexperience. He has the potential to be another Jimmy Carter. His ignorance of foreign policy was shown when he said that he knew nothing of the intelligence report on Iran released weeks ago. If Huckabee was President, the Republicans' national security reputation that the late President Reagan worked hard to build may go down the toilet.
Huckabee also steps on the feet of the wrong people. Huckabee once called the prominient economic conservative group, named the Club of Growth, the "Club of Greed". This comment could alienate many economic conservatives.
Huckabee's "almost only conservative on social issues" position on issues will not serve him well.

Mitt Romney- Mitt Romney is a huge flip-flopper. When he ran for the Senate against Ted Kennedy in 1994, he promised to uphold abortion and vowed to support gay rights more than Ted Kennedy. In 2002, when he ran for Governor of Massachusetts, he promised to support abortion's legality. All of a sudden, he struck against abortion and gay marriage to appeal to the social conservatives in his party. I do not trust anyone who is not at least decently consistent. Romney tries to be "the right man in the right place and the right time." This will not resonate with conservatives like me.

John McCain- I have great respect for John McCain. I truly respect his support for the Iraq War and his basic conservative principles. Despite this, I can not trust him on the immigration issue that well. He proposed unsuccessful and unpopular legislation that was clearly was too soft on the issue of immigration.
If McCain wins the nomination, I will vote for him because he is the second best candidate besides Fred Thompson. He's not a flip-flopper but one that has conviction. In my view, McCain is the "not quite conservative but good enough" candidate. I would rather have Fred Thompson leading the GOP banner against the liberal Democrats than John McCain in 2008.

I will not support Giuilani, Huckabee, or Romney if any of these three won the Republican nomination.

Fred Thompson has proven to be consistently conservative. Even though the media criticizes him a bunch, I just simply compare it to when Reagan was bogged down by the media back in 1976 and 1980.

Think about it.....

In 1964, the GOP conservative candidate for President, Barry Goldwater faced criticism from the GOP liberal establishment and the media. In the GOP, Goldwater was an insurgent facing the establishment's candidate, Nelson Rockefeller. He was unfairly branded as an extremist and warmonger from dirty President Johnson and the media due to Goldwater's fiery demeanor.

In 1976, Ronald Reagan was the conservative insurgent against the moderate to liberal GOP establishment's candidate, Gerald Ford. In 1980, Ronald Reagan was the conservative insurgent against the moderate to liberal GOP establishment's candidate, George H.W. Bush.

Now in the election of 2008, I believe that Fred Thompson is the conservative insurgent against the media's establisment candidate, Rudy Giuilani. I also believe that the establishment's backups (if Giuliani fails) are Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney.

Read more about this comparison in Blogs For Fred

Fred Thompson may not be the most enthusiatic or the most perkiest candidate in the GOP field but he is the only one who could save the conservative principles in the GOP. Also Fred Thompson has the conviction and steely backbone to lead our country. It is time for the GOP to stop considering big government or social liberal conservatives and vote for true conservatism by casting their ballot for Fred Thompson.

Monday, December 24, 2007


Welcome to the Asian Conservative Teen blog site! I encourage all especially conservatives to look at this new political blog. As often as I can, I will create posts in this blog discussing the current political scene in America currently in a clear and conservative view. It is time for all conservative blogs to debate against the blogs of the liberal left.